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About Us

What We Do.


Throught the season, we present two events (winter and mega event).


Workshops whether in sessions or in events, we try to benefit the students.


As members can learn new skills can benefit them in their practical life later

A brief overview of our committees

Our Committees


Meet our Board.

Hover On The Picture To See The Name And The Position.

Click On The Picture To See The Name And The Position.

Mohamed Sallam

Web Head

Osama Ayman

Problem-Solving Head

Ahmed Sarg

Flutter Head

Mohamed Eid

Arduino Head

Adnan Adel

Embedded Head

Renad Ahmed

PR Head

Maram Nasser

Logistics Head

Rawan Waleed

Media Head

Esraa Dyaa

HR Head

Jana Ahmed

FR Head

Discover Our Events

Upcoming Events

Spirit 2024
Saturday, 9 March 9:00 am
ICB - International College Of Benha


9:30 To 10:30 AM

Osama Elzero

Expert at Web Development

11:00 To 11:30 AM

Mohamed Tharwat

Expert at AI And ML

12:00 To 12:30 PM

Ahmed Abd ElHafez

Expert at Cyper Security

12:30 To 1:00 AM

Amr Al Awamry

Expert at Enterepreneurship

1:00 To 1:30 PM

Mahmoud Hamdy

Expert at Cv Writing

2:00 To 2:30 PM

Mohamed Adel

Expert at Data Center

Discover Our Events

Featured Events

Let's Embark

Let's Embark

winter 2022

The main objective of the Portal Beyond Now event was to provide an opportunity for undergraduate students to interact and learn from experts in various fields. The event aimed to educate and empower the participants to acquire new knowledge, skills, and ideas that would help them in their future careers. The event also aimed to foster networking opportunities among the participants and speakers to enable them to establish valuable professional connections...

Code Of Duty III

Code Of Duty III

winter 2021

Many of us think programming is difficult and they could not link it to the labor market. Programming is not just a language ... Programming is a way of thinking, So IEEE BUB held CODE OF DUTY III... A Problem Solving contest in its third edition. problem-solving is the process of identifying a problem, developing an algorithm for the identified problem, and finally implementing the algorithm to develop a computer program. Problem-solving is an important skill because most interviews...

Under Control

Under Control

Summer 2021

When will we realize that now, we are living in the FUTURE? Of course, life will be easier. We will be able to control everything around us standing exactly where we are. This will lead us to our main topic: IOT OR "INTERNET OF THINGS" This is what enables you to make a connection between more than one device in your system, and everything will be under your control. Recently, we've seen cars that send notifications that they need gas, the smart systems that Google and Amazo...



Portal Out Of Time



mind game



embedded infinity war

Meet Our
